Case Studies : Joanne Kane


Myself and Amy

Amy aged 8 months


Name : Joanne Kane

Age : 21

Number of children : 1

Name and age of child : Amy aged 8 months

I found out about the Early Years Project through my sister, who had really enjoyed it, so I thought I'd get involved.

I regularly go down to the Martin Centre Drop-In and am able to sit and chat to other mothers from my area, instead of sitting home alone. I've been involved with the project for about six months now and I've attended the Healthy Eating and cooking demonstrations at the Martin Centre. They had a creche where I could leave Amy untill the demonstration was over.

I was a little nervous about the project worker coming out to visit, but when I found out who she was, I realised I already knew her. That was a weight of my mind, and I really looked forward to the visit.

I would highly recommend the Project to any unemployed parents because it's a great way to get out of the house and meet new people.

Joanne Kane ( young parent )

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